An individual that speaks with his own voice and not the voice of others. An individual that cast asides the crutches and stands tall, questions and explores what lies beyond the limits. An individual that not just conquers and leaves the conquered to its own fate, but discovers and builds. The Republic believed in such creative power. The wall that history built between the “Old individual” and the “New individual” demanded awareness for individual freedom, love of country, and notion of land. Those who embraced these principles expanded the civilizational boundaries of their countries. They excavated and unearthed their past and laid the first stones of modern music, architecture, literature, and performing arts in the foundations of the polyphonic world for their future. The Republic is the work of the “New individual” and the “New individual” is the work of the Republic.
The exhibition Republic: New Individual New Life can be seen free of admissions until 17th May.