The flat area bordered on the west side by the Taksim Water Works depot and distribution center was utilized as a promenade area during…
An individual that speaks with his own voice and not the voice of others. An individual that cast asides the crutches and stands tall,…
The urban history of İstanbul holds several important breaking points. Tanpınar, for example, makes the following assessment on the rupture that took place at…
18th Century Istanbul Houses Architecture, Property Income, Comfort, Privacy H. Gökçen Akgün Özkaya Initiated in 2011 and publishing original works on the history, archaeology,…
Chamber Talk Industrial Revolution in Daily Life: Society and Technology from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic Candan Sezgin Thursday 28th February During the…
As a primary focal point of the current cultural and political life in Istanbul, Taksim Square was once a flat expanse surrounded by graveyards…